
List of products by brand B N S HARDWARE

We have got yet closer to our customers through our web site www.Bnshardware.lk and will be able to give better service and convenience to them as the country’s first online hardware store that is designed for today’s home builders.

We have got yet closer to our customers through our web site www.Bnshardware.lk and will be able to give better service and convenience to them as the country’s first online hardware store that is designed for today’s home builders.

Rs 17.00

Bricks made by shaping a plastic mass of clay and water, which is then hardened by drying and firing, are among the oldest and most enduring of mankind’s building materials. Until comparatively recent times the clay was dug, the bricks were made and the kilns set or drawn by manual labour with help from animal power. About 100 years ago, the first effective machines for brick production appeared, and the trend towards mechanization of clay winning, making and handling operations has continued at an increasing pace to the present day.

Rs 38.00

Bricks made by shaping a plastic mass of clay and water, which is then hardened by drying and firing, are among the oldest and most enduring of mankind’s building materials. Until comparatively recent times the clay was dug, the bricks were made and the kilns set or drawn by manual labour with help from animal power. About 100 years ago, the first effective machines for brick production appeared, and the trend towards mechanization of clay winning, making and handling operations has continued at an increasing pace to the present day.